sábado, enero 24, 2009

SaTuRdAy OuTfiT...

I know I haven't posted about my outfits but I have a reason: I have to take my own pics so it's kind of difficult to manage full body one's with my cellphone!

But here are my best ones:

So imagine the bad ones! Lol

What do you think? I kind of have trouble finding how to pull the red jeans so I try this. Oh and I'm wearing my "Mickey Mouse" flats, guess the outfit is inspired on the Mouse!


3 comentarios:

  1. hoooola! ey si es dificil usar jeans d colores! yo tngo unos azules y solo vanconciertas colores y asi hahaa ..me gusto tu outfit! ey no he posteado recientement por q he andado ocupadilla pero ya regresare:)

  2. Me gusta comos has combinado esos pantalones rojos no son faciles pero me gusta el resultado

    Un beso!
