I just found this image of the Sex and the City movie and really love it because I think it shows perfectly what fashion makes, make us a spotlight, I think we shouldn't dress for people to admire us or envy us, fisrt of all we have to dress for ourselves, to feel special and awesome and just US and that way people is going to look at us because we are proud of ourselves not only our outfits, we have to be ok with us for the world to be ok as well with us.
So don't be afraid to tell the world who you are and also don't be afraid to wear anything you want just because what the others "might say", ifyou like it go on and hit the streets!
What do you think? Do you agree?
ResponderEliminarVaya, gracias jeje =)
Publico cosas sobre moda y tendencias & sobre mí, pero tampoco mucho que no quiero q mi vida sea pública xD
Está muy chula esa foto, y las sandalias me encaaantan!!
Te añado yo también a mi lista ;)